Derivation of the Gradient of the cross-entropy Loss

Cross-entropy for 2 classes:

Cross entropy for classes:

In this post, we derive the gradient of the Cross-Entropy loss with respect to the weight linking the last hidden layer to the output layer. Unlike for the Cross-Entropy Loss, there are quite a few posts that work out the derivation of the gradient of the L2 loss (the root mean square error).

When using a Neural Network to perform classification tasks with multiple classes, the Softmax function is typically used to determine the probability distribution, and the Cross-Entropy to evaluate the performance of the model. Then, with the back-propagation algorithm computed from the gradient values of the loss with respect to the fitting parameters (the weights and bias), we can find the optimum parameters that reduces to a minimum the loss between the prediction of the model and the ground truth. For example, the rule update to optimize the weight parameter is:

Let’s start by rolling out a few definitions:

  1. Ground truth is a hot-encoded vector: where is the number of classes (number of rows).

  2. Modeled/Predicted probability distribution: , where the -th element is given by the softmax transfer function.

  3. Softmax transfer function: \begin{equation} \hat{y}_i = \frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_k e^{z_k}} \end{equation} where is the -th pre-activation unit. The softmax transfer function is typically used to compute the estimated probability distribution in classification tasks involving multiple classes.

  4. The Cross-Entropy loss (for a single example):

Simple model

Let’s consider the simple model sketched below, where the last hidden layer is made of 3 hidden units, and there are only 2 nodes at the output layer. We want to derive the expression of the gradient of the loss with respect to : .

The 2 paths, drawned in red, are linked to .

The network’s architecture includes:

  • a last hidden layer with 3 hidden units.

  • The output layer has 2 units to predict the probability distribution with 2 classes.

  • is the weight linking unit to the pre-activation .

  • The pre-activation is given by:

Because, there are 2 paths through that leads to , we need to sum up the derivatives that go through each path:

Let’s calculate the different parts of the equation above:


The pre-activation is given by: , hence:


From the definition of the softmax function, we have , so:

We use the following properties of the derivative: and .

We can then simplify the derivative:

because .


Again, from using the definition of the softmax function:


We start with the definition of the cross-entropy loss: :

and similarly:

We can now put everything together:

Hence, finally:

General form of

We start with the definition of the loss function: .

From the definition of the pre-activation unit , we get:

where is the activation of the -th hidden unit.

Now, let’s calculate . This term is a bit more tricky to compute because does not only contribute to but to all because of the normalizing term in .

Similarly to the toy model discussed earlier, we need to accumulate the gradients wrt from all relevant paths.

The gradient of the loss with respect to the output is:


The next step is to calculate the other partial derivative terms:

Let’s replace the results above:

Finally, we get the gradient wrt